The US Environmental Protection Agency requires municipalities to conduct an inventory of residential water service lines with the goal of reducing lead in the water system. Approximately 400 households have been contacted by New Richmond Utilities with a request to participate in a survey. The survey will ask for contact information, pipe information, and a photo of the service line where it meets the water meter. The meter is usually found in the basement utility room, crawl space, or near an exterior tap. Please complete the survey as soon as possible.

For more information or to complete the survey, CLICK HERE or scan the QR Code below.

  • Lady speaking on the phone Text: OPERATION HELP

    Serving residents of St. Croix County with short-term financial aid to those in a crisis situation. Assistance focuses on rent, utilities and car repairs to help keep people in their homes.

  • MyMeter mobile app screen shots with text: Go mobile with MyAccount & the MyMeter App

    Mangage your account from anywhere just like you do with MyAccount.

    Download the MyMeter Mobile app today!

  • At New Richmond Utilties we don't just provide the power you use everyday. We are also invested in our community. After all, we live here too.

  • A family sitting by a tree

    New Richmond Utilties has programs that can help your family save energy and money at home.

  • Couple reviewing finances at dining table

    At New Richmond Utilties we know your time is important so we give you many quick and easy ways to pay your bill.


The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin has approved a change to the production-based bill credits. Click this...


New Richmond Utilities receives national recognition as a Smart Energy Provider

New Richmond Utilities earned...


The New Richmond Utility Commission and the New Richmond Common Council have approved a four percent (4%) Sewer Utility rate increase in order to adequately recover the costs...