Many of our customers have called regarding the water blocks on their utility statement, so we would like to explain how this works.
With the drier weather we have had, irrigation usages have increased, hence prompting the question,"Why do I see a 2nd water block on my statement, I have never seen this before, and what does it mean?"
The Water Rate Tariff is broken out in blocks, there are a total of four blocks within the tariff. The first 17,000 gallons used on a meter are billed at the block one rate. Then, any amount over the 17,000 gallons and up to 150,000 gallons are billed at the block two rate. With this dry year we have had, many customers doing outside watering are using over 17,000 gallons on their irrigation meter, thus seeing a second block of usage.
Example A:
3,000 gallons is used on a house meter
27,000 gallons on an irrigation meter.
The customer will see:
3,000 & 17,000 gallons for charges in water block one for a total of $45.38
10,000 gallons in water block two for a total of $22.90.
Sewer charges are for only 3,000 gallons which was the house meter usage.
Example B:
3,000 gallons is used on a house meter
16,000 gallons is used on an irrigation meter
The customer will see:
3,000 & 16,000 gallons for charges in water block one for a total of $43.09
No block two water usage applies in this scenario since neither meter registered usage over 17,000 gallons for this month.
Sewer charges are for only 3,000 gallons which was the house meter usage.
We hope this helps explain the blocks better. To install an irrigation meter you would need to hire a plumber to do the plumbing portion. There is no additional cost to install the meter once this is done, but there is a year round monthly minimum charge once it is installed. You can find information on savings from having an irrigation meter here.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to us with questions at or by calling 715-246-4167.