Our power supplier, WPPI Energy, offers a grant funding program for renewable energy projects targeting non-profit entities. This program is structured as an RFP, where eligible customers of its member utilities will have the opportunity to submit a bid application indicating the incentive needed to implement a renewable energy project on their premises. For the latest round there was $125,000 available for funding of eligible projects.
Per project incentive requests can range up to $100,000. These incentives are expected to align nicely for solar PV projects up to 80 kW and wind turbine projects to 10 kW. Project capacities are not limited by this grant. Other electric generating technologies are also eligible.
Eligibility: Open to 501(c)(3) IRS qualified entities, non-profit schools, colleges, universities or other higher learning institutes and units of government receiving electric service from a WPPI energy member utility. Projects must be located at and owned by the non-profit entity for the duration of the project life. Projects must be interconnected to the member utility distribution system and meet all regulatory or utility requirements for interconnection.
Please see this PDF for more information.