Focus on Energy and New Richmond Utilities, a member of WPPI Energy, presented Johnson Ford with a check for $7,890 at noon on Thursday May 9, 2019.
The money is a financial incentive for Johnson Ford’s investment in energy efficiency at its new dealership on Noble Road in New Richmond.
“Both from a green perspective and a savings perspective, the energy efficiency of our new building was at the forefront of our planning,” said Johnson Ford’s Jeff Moberg. “Keeping the environmental impact low, along with saving real dollars, helps keep our costs low and allows us to pass that along to our customer base.”
In building the new facility, Johnson Ford worked with Energy Advisors from Focus on Energy’s Business Incentives Program to install energy-efficient LED lighting, which will save Johnson Ford 186,000 kWh of electricity annually compared to baseline lights. That’s enough to power the electricity in 23 homes for a year.
“[We had a] great experience working with Focus on Energy. We gained insights and ideas that help save money and made the design process smooth and easy,” Moberg added.
About Focus on Energy
Focus on Energy is Wisconsin utilities' statewide energy efficiency and renewable resource program funded by the state's investor-owned energy utilities and participating municipal and electric cooperative utilities. Focus on Energy works with eligible Wisconsin residents and businesses to install cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Focus on Energy information, resources and financial incentives help to implement projects that otherwise would not be completed. Its efforts help Wisconsin residents and businesses manage rising energy costs, promote in-state economic development, protect our environment and control Wisconsin's growing demand for electricity and natural gas. For more information call 800.762.7077 or visit focusonenergy.com.